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Herbs from the garden



Rosemary, whose name comes from the latin Rosmarinus means dew of the sea.




The Romans used rosemary in their rituals and there are so many magical ways to use this versatile herb that have been used for thousands of years.

When burned rosemary emits a cleansing and purifying energy. It is one of the oldest incenses.

It can be used in love, health and protection spells.

If placed under a pillow will protect from nightmares and ensure a good night’s sleep.

Added to a bath will ensure youthfulness. Burn in a sickroom to promote healing.

Elves are attracted to rosemary so good for making a connection with them.

Place a sprig under your pillow to attract love, or use as a strew with lavender in the home.

Hang rosemary from the door or window to keep thieves away.

The scent of the rosemary will boost mental powers so use for exams and as a memory enhancer.

Smell the smoke from burning rosemary and you will receive knowledge.

Dry and tie into a bunch to create a smudge.

A sprig given to a loved one promotes fidelity.




Rosemary has long been used as a herb for improving memory.

Rosemary tea makes a fantastic mouthwash, increases mental alertness and is used as a headache treatment.

Rosemary stimulates the body’s natural healing ability and increases the circulation.

Breaks down fats so thought to be an aid to weight loss.

Rosemary is thought to fight dandruff and is used as a shine tonic for dark hair.

A potent antioxidant, rosemary is common place in skin treatments and can be used as a face steam, especially good for acne.

Oil of rosemary is used in a poultice to promote wound healing.




As a hardy perennial herb, rosemary can be used all year round,a good source of vitamins A&C, phosphorous,iron magnesium and zinc.

Rosemary was once planted on graves to bring immortality to the dead.

As it represents fidelity, it was given to brides in their bouquets. To aid fertility, couples would make a penny offering to a rosemary bush.

If ground and tied to the right arm it is said to dispel depression and make you light and merry, so maybe we should all revive that one! bb mandyxxx

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