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Passion Pot of Cheese

I love cheese so I thought I’d share with you my PASSION POT OF CHEESE!




A large sterilised Jar

Some Mozzarella /Goats cheese / Sliced Brie

or any other soft cheese you love!

Olive Oil

A couple of Peppercorns

A Bay Leaf

A Bunch of fresh Basil

 2 x Small Cloves of Garlic (optional)


Passion Pot of Cheese Spell

I call upon the passion of Earth

Fire, Air and Water too.

Mix in this jar and bring to me

Love and passion forever true.



Put the whole cheeses or if using Brie etc..slices of cheese into the jar. Pop in the garlic if using it.

Add the peppercorns to the jar to add fiery passion to your cheese!

Add a bay leaf to carry your wish for passion into the jar.

Charge your Basil for passion and love saying the spell opposite;

Add your charged basil to the cheeses, peppercorns and bay leaf.

Top up the jar to the top with olive oil and seal.

Store in a cool place of a couple of days for the flavours to infuse into the cheese. (You can use all sorts of herbs for this, try rosemary, thyme or oregano…dandelion flowers make a great one!)

To serve, remove the cheese from the oil and break into pieces over some ripe tomatoes with some fresh torn basil and a squeeze of lemon juice. Crusty warm Ciabatta bread goes really well with this!


The cheeses will last a long time if treated this way so this makes a great gift idea. Just take out the basil and replace for some fresh basil before giving! Eat with a loved one and wait for the passion to flow.

bb mandyxxx

P.S. Don’t throw away the oil from this, it makes an amazing salad dressing:!

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