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.Samhain Pumpkin Jam


After spending so long carving out pumpkins for your Samhain celebration, why not put that yummy orange flesh to good use and make this delicious pumpkin jam? This jam has a smooth and creamy texture and a real taste of autumn…when used magically the cinnamon here raises spiritual energy to a higher level, pumpkin can be used for healing and working with the moon. Don’t waste those pumpkin seeds either; roast them off with a little oil and salt for a lovely snack, leave them out for the birds or you could even use them for divination! bb mandyxxx


Ingredients (makes approx 4 jars)


1.35kg pumpkin, peeled and finely diced

1 orange, quartered and sliced

600ml water

1.35kg granulated sugar

1 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp ground cinnamon




In a large preserving pan over a medium heat, combine the pumpkin, orange, cinnamon and water. Cook for approximately 2 hours until the pumpkin is soft and breaking apart.

Add the sugar and the lemon juice, mix well to combine and break up the pumpkin and bring the jam to the boil. Begin testing for the setting point by placing a little of the jam onto a cold plate. If it sets and wrinkles when you push it with your finger, it is ready.

Transfer the jam into sterilised jam jars. Seal immediately and leave in a cool, dark place for 8 hours before using. This jam keeps well too, so store some in the fridge; it makes a wonderful cake filling

               Serve with hot buttered toast or crumpets on a chilly Samhain afternoon!

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