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Orange Marmalade Ice Cubes

When we do get some sun in the UK my mind  drifts towards lovely cool drinks...after all, we can't hang around the feezer department in the supermarket ALL the time lol!

Here’s my idea for making your cooling drink a little more interesting and just a little more magical, using marmalade!

It’s a great easy way of harnessing the power of the orange…You can spell for love, luck or finances with it, and as a fruit of the sun it is a perfect, if not novel way of using this energy. Here’s what you do;

In a jug mix approx. half a pint of soda water or lemonade with approx. 6 tbsp marmalade. As you mix focus your intent on what you wish to spell for and say

Orange full of sunshine bright

Mix with my energy and light.

Empower my wish to come to me

Harming none, so mote it be! 

Pour this mixture into ice cube moulds and freeze. Add this wonderfully fragrant sweet cube to your summer drinks (works beautifully in white wine or lemonade) and enjoy the power of the orange!

Why don’t you try some other ideas, you could use Lemon Curd instead of marmalade. You could make coffee or chocolate milk ice cubes, or try using fresh juice and setting a sprig of Thyme or Basil into them. Let your imagination run free! bb mandyxxx

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