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Herbs from the garden




Elf Leaf, Nard, Spike – Comes from the Latin Lavare (To Wash)

Lavender has been used for centuries in medicines, cookery and magically. It is probably my favourite scent of all. I expect if we all inspect our bathrooms and cleaning products we will find that the majority of us have something that smells of this beautiful herb! I certainly reach for its calming properties almost daily, so here’s a few pieces of information on Lavender.

Lavender can be used in all sorts of recipes; as relative of the Mint and Rosemary family it works beautifully with sweet dishes (use the flowers) and some savoury dishes, especially lamb (use the leaves) and goats cheese.

It is one of the herbs that makes up the mix ’Herbs de Provence’.

It has a powerful flavour so use sparingly.

Lavender honey is a wonderful way of getting to know the special flavour of this herb.


A powerful anti-septic, Lavender is one of the few essential oils that can be applied directly to the skin, however it should not be used in pregnancy and should be diluted with a base oil for sensitive skin.

Lavender oil can be useful to treat burns and scalds where the skin is not broken.

Can be dabbed onto spots and pimples to aid healing, or onto boils to bring to a head.

Drunk as a tea it is used to aid sleep and relaxation, but may reduce sex drive!

Due to its powerful calming nature it is recommended for use in treating anxiety.

The oil or fresh flowers can be used to ease headaches by rubbing onto the temples.

Bathing in lavender will ease aches and pains from tension. The roots of the plant are thought to be more effective than the stalks or leaves.


To attract love rub clothes with Lavender.

A herb used for peace and calm, so useful in attracting peace to the home in strews and incenses.

Deepens psychic awareness, good to have on the altar.

Attached to gifts it sends love to the recipient and when rubbed onto paper, is effective as a love note.

When added to wedding confetti, it showers the newlyweds with love and harmony.

Lavender under the pillow, will tell fortune of what you desire.

Used in spells for long life.

Bathe in a bath with lavender before love spells or rituals.

Hung by the front door, will bring harmony and peace to the household.

Traditionally burned in the midsummer bonfire.


Greeks and Romans were both fans of herbal baths with Lavender, in Roman times, 1 pound of Lavender was said to be equal to a month’s wages.

It is said that Lavender conserve was a favourite of Queen Elizabeth the first.

Lavender was used as a disinfectant for castles and sick rooms, used to cure lice, and in war time was used to clean and treat wounds.

Lavender was thought to be used in the embalming process.

It was thought that sprinkling lavender water on the head of a love one would keep them chaste.

Roman superstition- It was said that the Asp (snake) was fond of making its nest in the lavender beds, which is the reason given for the high price, and made it necessary to approach a Lavender bush with caution…… watch out for snakes when harvesting yours!

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