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Herbs from the garden


Lemon Balm



 Melissa Officionalis(Melissa is greek for bee)

 Common balm, Hearts delight, Bee balm, Cure all.


 Viewed from a distance this fragrant herb could be  mistaken for mint, that is until you  get up close… The  leaves are finer and the scent is unmistakable! If you  brush past it,  the air is filled with the cleansing scent of  lemon, but with a softer herbal edge.

 Wonderful in summer drinks, Lemon balm has a  wealth of uses!

 Lemon balm is a soft herb that can be used in sweet and  savoury dishes, and can add  a citrus note to incenses,  body washes and baths.


 Lemon balm contains citronella and so is useful as an  insect repellent, try hanging a  bunch by an open  window to deter flies.

 It is useful for treating allergies and insect bites, and  being both stimulating and  soothing, if taken as a tea  can be used to treat coughs, colds and flu.

 Thought to be good at treat breathing difficulties, can be  of use in asthma therapies  Thought to be effective as a  tranquilliser

 Used to treat nervous stomach, heart spasms and may  lower blood pressure.

 Infusion of lemon balm can bring out a fever by  encouraging sweating.

 Thought to be useful for PMS, cramps and moodiness.


 The social herb, so use in wine (infuse lemon balm in  wine for a few hours then strain)  to share with friends  at a social gathering.

 Lemon balm is a good healing herb to use in poppets  and incenses.

 Use in success spells or for visualisation when working  with the full moon.

 Used as a tea it calms and soothes the emotions before  ritual work and opens us up  to the divine love of the  Goddess.

 Use lemon balm in a bath where it will add its energy to  your own and attune you with  romance… or make into  a charm to wear.


 Muslim herbalists believed lemon balm made the heart  merry.

 Paracelsus called it the ‘Elixir Of Life.’

 14th Century King Charles the first is reputed to have  drank lemon balm tea everyday  to maintain good  health.

 In the 16th century lemon balm was rubbed onto hives to  encourage the bees to  make honey and not to roam.

 Lemon balm was once thought to cure  baldness,toothache and even mad dog bite  Personally,  the best way I have found to use Lemon balm is to add a  sprig to a gin and  tonic, delicious! bb mandyxxx

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