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Wheel of the Year


We all live by that know the one hung up on the kitchen wall with some very questionable stains, a few rips and some really cute pictures of animal or eally bad pictures of pop stars!!!

By following the path that we do, we also try and observe the old calender, what we now know as the wheel of the year. This wheel represents the important times throughout the year to our ancestors, and gives us a chance to stop and observe the turning of the wheel in Mother Nature, in our skies and our practices.

The wheel is marked by festivals, four of which are solar festivals as they mark a seasonal change caused by the Sun. The cross quarters  are marked by Fire Festivals and are usually celebrated as points in the agricultural year. Together the Solar Festivals and the Fire Festivals make up our Wheel Of The Year.

Each festival, and there are eight in total, is called a Sabbat...and they are a great excuse for a party! This is the time to give offerings and thanks for all that each turn of the year brings to our lives. Each point on the wheel has its own name, it's own traditions and history and it's own kind of magic!

To read more on each of the Sabbats of the wheel, click the image! bb mandyxxx


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