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Hedgerow Goodies!




Elderflower (Sambucus Nigra) The name of the tree is thought to come from the Anglo Saxon AELD meaning “fire”.

The elder tree has been known by so many different names, devils eye, the elder mother, the queen of herbs…but by far the one that I like best is ‘the countryman’s medicine chest!




The tree, its flowers and its fruits have so many uses that I feel it’s important to take a look at it seasonally. For this reason we are going to focus on the flowers of the elder on this page.


Elderflowers can be used magically to relieve a heavy, emotional state, or if you feel stuck in a situation or state of mind.

Can magically help deal with anxieties and fear.

It can be used to stimulate joy and aid recovery for yourself or others.

Use the flowers and leaves in spells for wishes protection, prosperity and good health.

Flowers can produce  dreams of faerie land.

Wands of elder are thought to be particularly powerful.




Elderflowers are traditionally used for cold and flu remedies as they are anti bacterial and anti viral. They hold anti -inflammatory, laxative and diaphoretic properties. It is also a blood purifier.

A tea made from these fragrant flowers is used to bring out a chicken pox or measles rash, and is taken to prevent or treat kidney stones.

As a flu or cold remedy it is taken as a hot tea to treat tonsillitis, catarrh, sinusitis and as a cold tea to treat night sweats.

It is known for lowering fever.

Use a mild tea infusion to sooth sore eyes.




Wow, now where to start!!! There are so many legends of the elder that I had trouble whittling it down to just a few! Traditionally the elder tree was thought of as the witches’ tree, and even today there is a real reluctance by country folk to cut it down, lest they suffer repercussions! If a tree had to be felled, the woodsman would kneel in front of it and say:

“Lady Ellhorn, give me of thy wood, and I will give thee of mine when I become a tree”.

This was to allow the witch or spirit time to vacate.

The elder is thought to guard against thunderbolts and plagues.

It was planted next to bake houses for prevention to stop the devil from being folded into the dough when kneaded. This is where the tradition of crossing the top of a loaf  before baking comes from!

Twigs of elder were woven into Beltane head-dresses to aid the wearer to see spirits.

Sit under an elder tree on mid-summers day to see the faeries, and summon them by blowing a flute made of the wood.

Oh, and by the way, any flowers remaining on the tree at mid-summer are thought to be particularly potent so gather them if you can.


Top Tip

Remember to pick your Elderflowers in the summer to dry and store for use in the winter!



Remember Elderflowers are very powerful at warding off colds and flu. To make sure you have a supply of elderflowers for the winter be sure to pick some flowers now and dry them out.

What I do is pick several heads of elderflowers when they are fresh and in full bloom.

Back home, wash them and lay them on tea-towels on large trays to dry. You could leave them close to an oven or put them in an airing cupboard for a few days to dry out.

Then just pull the tiny flowers off the stems and place in a plastic box or airtight tin until you need them.

At the first sign of a cold or flu – make elderflower tea by placing a good handful of the dried flowers in a large teapot and covering with boiling water. Allow to steep for a few minutes and sweeten with honey if required. Drink regularly to kill off and flush out the virus from your system. It really works!!! bb mandyxxx

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