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Hedgerow goodies!



Taraxum Officinale (Lions Tooth, Wild Endive)




The common dandelion, such a familiar site in our lawns and hedgerows, in fact any verge or gap in the pavement is often frequented by this persistent plant. With a long taproot and an unwillingness to be weeded out, the dandelion is definitely here to stay….just as well as it is such a wonderfully tasty and versatile addition to our lives and larders!

All parts of the plant can be used, flower leaf and root (roasted and ground makes a coffee substitute)

The leaves can be used in salads or cooked like spinach….they do have a bitter edge so gather whilst young, or if using from your own garden, blanch (by putting a cover over them) to enjoy  a paler and slightly less bitter leaf.



Containing vitamin A, B complex, C and D, Iron, Potassium and Zinc, the dandelion is a valuable addition to our diet.

The roots of the plant are thought to be more effective than the stalks or leaves.

The flowers have antioxidant properties and can help improve the immune system.

Can be used for stomach ache, backache and depression.

Used traditionally by the native americans for liver problems,. Made into a tea for  kidney disease.

Thought to treat ailments of the gallbladder and liver. The root has been used as an appetite stimulant.

Strongly diuretic, it does the job without stripping the body of potassium.

The white sap from this plant can be dabbed onto spots or acne to treat them.




The dandelion is used to increase psychic awareness, divination, wishes and to call the spirits. For me I like to use it in relation to courage!

It has a bright energy and vitality so is ideal for use in midsummer and all fire festivals.

Petals can be used in incenses to raise psychic awareness and abilities.

Also useful in spells for courage (hence lions tooth)

If buried in the northwest corner of a property, dandelion will bring favourable winds and good luck.

A cup of dandelion tea placed by the bed, will call the spirits to your dreams.




So much folklore surrounds the humble dandelion.

Dandelion was woven into brides bouquets to bring good luck to the marriage.

If you dream of dandelions it is said to signify happy reunions.

The fluffy seed heads have always been used to send a wish or a message to a loved one, or tell the time; blow three times and the number of seeds left is the hour, or forecast the weather; when rain is approaching the seed heads shut tight like an umbrella and only reopen when danger of rain has passed.

It is thought that the first stalk of the dandelion a child finds of the year will be the amount the child will grow in that year!


Little soldier with golden helmet

O, what are you guarding on my lawn?

You with your green gun and your yellow beard

Why do you stand so stiff?

There is only the grass to fight! 


Let’s all try and make use of this beautiful, common herb!!! bb mandyxxx

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